Finally, my very own blogspot! wooot!This is actually gonna be my sort of temporary portfolio online not until i've created my own site. Nonetheless i'm pretty sure that the blog will do just fine for now. :)
So what should you expect? well, you'll see a collection of selected works that i've done through the years as a senior art director from McCann Erickson, a multimedia aficionado using Adobe AfterEffects, Adobe Premiere, and Macromedia Director; and as an occasional graphic designer or creative director for special projects. My blog should give you an idea of my approach to design and art direction so feel free to let me know what ya think about it. Good or bad, im sure it'll help me one way or another :) So welcome and enjoy! :)
The corporate logo i made for La Cora Creatives, Inc., the new bag company offshoot of the renowned Cora Jacobs of the 1980's :)
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